miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014



Alberto del Canto and Díaz de Viera was a explorer that explored Mexico. Alberto del Canto founded importants town. Alberto del Canto was a mayor of Saltillo. Estefanía de Montemayor was a Alberto´s wife. Estefanía suspected her husband, and his father in law tried kill him. His father in law didn´t kill Alberto del Canto by his age (Alberto´s father in law´s age). Whe he retired Alberto del Canto went to his home near Saltillo. Alberto del Canto died in 1611 in his home.


lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014



According to a study published earlier this year in the journal Nutrition Journal, people eat the same thing for lunch and dinner the same amount regardless of whether normal or have taken a hearty breakfast (400 kcal above normal ) . This implies that , in the final analysis, many more calories are consumed throughout the day , disproving the popular notion that after a hearty breakfast caloric intake is reduced.

What does help you lose weight is to choose certain foods to start the day . Daniela Jakubowicz , from the Hospital de Clinicas in Caracas ( Venezuela ) , has shown that a weight loss diet should include in the abundant breakfast carbohydrates (bread , cereals ...) and protein ( eggs, meat , tuna ... ) .By contrast , skipping breakfast reduces attention , memory and learning ability in the morning session , plus free breakfast tend to eat a less balanced diet during the day , with more fats and sugars , which we predisposes to obesity.

Una reciente investigación dada a conocer por la Asociación Americana del Corazón y publicada en la revista científica Circulation ha demostrado los peligros de no desayunar. Según los datos del estudio, quienes no tomaban nada a primera hora de la mañana tenían un riesgo un 27 por ciento más alto de sufrir un ataque cardiaco o de morir por una enfermedad coronaria.

Skipping breakfast can lead to one or more risk factors such as obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes, which in turn can cause a heart attack at the time," said Leah E. Cahill , study director of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, Massachusetts.

And with the data in hand, lacks reason not to recommend it to everyone breakfast. Analyzing food frequency questionnaires and medical examinations of 26,902 men aged 45 to 82 years for 16 years proved the dangers of skipping breakfast. According to the study, those who did not have a 27 percent suffering a heart attack or dying from coronary failure than those who did take some food first thing in the morning. Furthermore, according to the report,. who do not eat breakfast tended to be younger people were more likely to snuff, drinking more alcohol and even less to do sport

De ahí que los especialistas recomienden una dieta saludable y completa, que inicie el día con una buena alimentación basada en cereales, frutos secos y fruta. Como apunta el propio Cahill, "la incorporación de muchos tipos de alimentos saludables en el desayuno es una manera fácil de asegurarse de que la comida proporciona la energía adecuada y un equilibrio saludable de nutrientes, como proteínas, carbohidratos, vitaminas y minerales”.


A good breakfast must include milk, bread ,cereals, meat,eggs, tuna...I usuallybut it isn't well. By contrast a little breakfast is bad too. breakfast a cacao with biscuits, but also I like the toasts.Much people believe that a big breakfast serves for isn't eat much during the rest of day, but it isn't well. By contrast a little breakfast is bad too.When we eat a good breakfast we have clear mind for the school and the work.We must eat food with proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

                              Super Bowl

The Super Bowl is the championship game of the National Football League ( NFL ), the main professional football championship in the United States , which pits the champions of the National Conference (NFC ) and the American Football Conference (AFC ) . The game takes place on the first Sunday of February and is named after Lamar Hunt, former owner of the Kansas City Chiefs , who named it after watching his son play with a bouncing ball .
The first meeting of the Super Bowl was played on January 15, 1967 ( the first winner of the Super Bowl was Grenn Bay) as part of an agreement between the National Football League and other existing championship at that time, the American Football League ( AFL ), so that the winners of each competition will play a match to decide the champion of the United States . When the AFL joined the NFL, each league became a conference game and became among its champions. The team that has won more times was Pittsburgh Steelers ( six times ) , and only four of the 32 NFL franchises that have never played the final. The reigning champions are the Seattle Seahawks won the XLVIII edition February 2, 2014 .
The Seahawks' defense lived up to their reputation and then some, holding the Broncos' top offense to eight points to earn Seattle its first Super Bowl title.

The game was created as part of a merger aggrement between the NFL and its then-rival league, the Americand Footba League (AFL). It was agreed that the two leagues' champion teams would play in the AFL–NFL World Championship Gameuntil the merger was to officially begin in 1970. After the merger, each league was redesignated as a "conference", and the game was then played between the conference champions. Currently, the National Football Conference (NFC) leads the league with 26 wins to 22 wins for the American Football Conference(AFC). The Pittsburgh Steeler hold the record for Super Bowl victories with six.

                         My Definition

The Super Bowl is championship very important in United States.Friends and families meet for see the Super Bowl. They love the american football and it is very funny.In my opinion the Super Bowl is very important for Americand.I like the Super Bowl and ameican football, but I love soccer.Americans watch the Super Bowl on big TVs and lots of food.The champions of Super Bowl 2014 is Seatle Seahawks.
United States is paralyzed by the Super Bowl.